However, to use these controllers on other games and emulators might require third-party tools that interfere with RPCS3. These controllers support motion controls as well, allowing you to play the games which require these features, and additionally it has the same symbols on the buttons as the PlayStation 3. On top of that, even if you find a original controller then setting it up still involves installing additional software and requires far more effort than other options.ĭualShock 4 controllers are good choice for RPCS3 as they are commonly available in many colors and are easy to set up with the emulator. For this reason it's not recommended to purchase these controllers anymore. Fake controllers might be missing some features (such as motion controls or pressure-sensitive buttons) and they are often not compatible with DualShock 3 drivers.

It's impossible to tell fake controllers apart as they are made with the same molds and have same symbols and labels on them as official DualShock 3 controllers. Most DualShock 3 controllers sold online these days are FAKE. This section is intended for those who do not own a controller right now and are looking into purchasing one, or who have a controller but need a new one with support for motion controls. 5 Analog sticks not centered with evdev pad handler.2.1.2 Using XInput pad handler with ScpToolkit. Re-enable deep sleep mode on Windows 10 (Official Sony Driver).2.1.1 Using dedicated DualShock 3 pad handler.